Saturday, September 13, 2008

Get $4 per each referral! Free to start !

I must share with you some news!

I just joined new social network !
Great work from home opportunity! 100 % Free!
No sales , no calls !

Where you receive $4 for each referral,
You receive $3 for each second level referrals,
Receive $2 for 3 each third level referrals,
plus monthly residuals on what your entire network spends on their 6dgr debit cards up to 3 levels and it cost NOTHING for you to sign up!
No more spams or pop-ups ads with 6 DGR network.
Here is what you make from referral fees if you and all your down lines refer only 10 people each:

1 level 10x $4 =$40
2 level 100x$3=$300
3 level 1000 x $2= $2000
TOTAL referral earnings $2,340

PLUS you get residuals of what they spend on ther 6 dgr debit card.

You are welcome to join me at

After you signed up email me at

and I will put you on training via with my team

so you will get ready to make money !

Agan you dont have to spend any money to start to earn !

P.S.Read FAQ on the bottom

Read this testimonial from one of our leader:

I can't say enough great things about 6dgr. It's by far the best opportunity for anyone to make money and I've seen several hundred opportunities. And what's great is that it's all FREE. I've received my success below w/o having to spend a penny on anything yet, not even advertising (oh except a $5 mic that I bought to train everyone on Skye -also FREE.) 6dgr has allowed me something that you can't even put a price on, TIME. I was able to quit job and be a stay-at-home dad raising my two lovely kids myself. They absolutely love 6dgr too. You can make all the money in the world, but if you have to work long hours to make that, it's really not worth it. TIME is precious and priceless. You can't ever buy back those precious moments you miss out in your families lives, or even in your own life while you are too busy and consumed by your job. I've spent the same amount of time on Yuwie and Zenzuu and have yet to receive a penny from them. I've already got paid twice and will get another check this week, along with my $1K bonus check for hitting 1K in referrals. All within a short 1 month period. Let me see if anyone else can show the same success or even near what 6dgr has done for me on the other social networks. I'm totally new to marketing and the whole internet stuff too and I can put my #'s against anyone from those other social sites who are experts and have done marketing for years and even one's who spent a lot of money getting their current downline. I'll even challenge anyone from those other networks to compare their current pay w/ mine in just my 1st month alone. NOTHING, I say NOTHING can come close to 6dgr. Here are my current #'s. I've also been able to train others who are complete newbies like me to duplicate success without having to spend a penny. Stop with spending your hard earned money to make someone else money. I've talked to over 1800+ people on both Yuwie and Zenzuu and said to say, I feel bad for each and everyone of them for believing in the hype of the promotional videos made by those two companies. Only found 3 people on Yuwie that actually made something worth talking about and still that's less that what I'm making here on 6dgr in just my 1st month. And Zenzuu - no one has even gotten paid yet and it's been open for over 4 months. They've pushed back their 1st pay date, month by month since July. They do this so people won't leave. As you can see, 80% of the profit sounds nice. The key word is PROFIT. Zenzuu doesn't bother telling people that most businesses take 2 years or more to generate a profit. Now people will tell you that 6dgr is a SCAM, I'd like for all the thousands of people who quit both Zenzuu and Yuwie already because those two networks don't pay. Yes, you can say it's free and that you haven't lost anything in trying - but have you really? What is the value of TIME that you lost being SCAMMED by those 2 networks. Hope this opens your eyes at little to the truth. See you all at 6dgr.

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